Friday, February 16, 2007

And the neverending suspense continues...

Well...we're still here. But not for much longer, at least. We should finally get to go "home" to my parents' house in Corvallis on Monday, assuming I don't give birth before then. On Tuesday Feb. 6th I went into labor for the third time. I have had many episodes where I'll have regular contractions for a couple of hours, but only three times that I've been properly in labor and moved to a delivery room and everything. The doctors, again, were quite sure I would deliver this time, and, again, I didn't after all. Despite several hours of intense pain and frequent contractions, everything slowed down and stopped in the end. Which was very good, of course, because Daniel's lungs needed the extra time to develop some more. On the other hand, though, i really think it must be a bit nicer to just get this whole labor thing over in one shot. And I did feel bad about the fact that my Mom drove down from her prayer retreat 4 hours away only to get here when everything had calmed down again....

I had several episodes with pain and contractions throughout the week, but since last Saturday everything has been pretty calm. We have no idea how much longer we will have to wait, or whether Daniel will come before Viggo has to return to Norway or not. Actually, that's not quite true; we can definitely expect that Daniel will come sometime in the next 5 weeks or so, we just can't pinpoint it any more than that.

I've been shopping for cradles and changing tables online today, and now I find myself sitting in my bed mentally rearranging furniture. It's strange to not be able to get the house ready for the baby at all before he comes. We assumed that we would have plenty of time for that after coming back from our Christmas visit to the states. We really didn't have any big plans in any case; we will just need to make sure that Daniel at least has a place to sleep when we come home.

I'm a bit bored today, and wishing I could go for a walk. But I have visits from both my mom and my friend Kari to look forward to tomorrow, and Viggo and I had a nice Valentines day yesterday. I got a big box of gourmet chocolates from my Dad, and 14 lovely red roses from Viggo, and Viggo took me out to eat at a Chinese restaurant around the corner (I was in a wheelchair).


Anonymous said...

You are my big hero Julia, and I am so proud of you!!! May God bless you richly, as he is already doing. I hope this thing is over with soon, actually, but pray that God will do what He knows is best :)


Mwende said...

You are great, Julia. Praying for you and sending you my greetings from BC. I hope Daniel comes out soon and in God's timing.


Anonymous said...

Hey Julia...
this is Rebekka. I am so glad that you may actually get to go home. And that Daniel is still inside. Sorry, it is a bit boring for you there!!! I pray God would fill you with encouragement today.

Anonymous said...

Kjære Julia!
Jeg burde jo skrive dette på engelsk, men uttrykker meg bedre på norsk. Beklager! Ville bare si at jeg føler med deg.

Ja, det må være skikkelig kjedelig den situasjonen du er i nå. Men det må være mye verre å befinne seg midt i den enormt sterke lengselen etter å få fødselen overstått, med vissheten om at alt har gått bra. Så er det så mye bedre å se at babyen lever sitt eget liv! Det er så vondt å gå å vente. Og du har gjort det så lenge. På den andre siden taler jo fornuften, om at det er viktigst for Daniel at han har det bra i magen så lenge som mulig. Og du ønsker jo det du også. Til tider må du vel føle at du nesten blir revet i filler innvendig!

Vi føler med deg og sjekker mailen svært ofte. Vi gleder oss til gode nyheter om at denne perioden er over for dere! "Det er en tid til alt". Det må være godt å vite at "en tid" alltid har en avslutning. Spesielt for dere. Så håper vi også at den avslutningen kommer snart.

Unknown said...


I am so proud of how you and Viggo have dealt with this difficult time. Daniel will be all the more special to you both, now that you have spent so much time focused on his escapades! Somehow, throughout this time I feel that God is telling me to trust in him and not in my own understanding.

I love you,


Pamela Joy said...

Hey I'm thinking of you often, and we should talk soon! Love you!

Pamela Joy said...

You're going home!! Yaaaay! I'm so excited for you!