Sunday, July 22, 2007

"My faith being small and my obedience slight, of what meaning are these words, 'I believe, I obey,' ? Deep is the abyss. The core of our being is put into question the moment we believe and obey as well as we can. In this situation, (which is the same for every Christian) prayer means going toward God, asking him to give us what we lack - strength, courage, serenity, prudence - asking him to teach us how to obey the law and accomplish the commandments, and then that God may instruct us how to continue in believing and believing yet more, and that he may renew our faith. Such a request can be made solely to God - it is an honor due to hom who has revealed himself to us by his Word...For it is the word of God that maintains us in this situation wherein prayer becomes a necessity." Karl Barth

1 comment:

Pamela Joy said...

I keep checking here hoping you'll have put up pictures from your visit, but alas, nada.